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Wolfson Brain Imaging Centre

Department of Clinical Neurosciences

Data generated by the scanners in the Wolfson Brain Imaging Centre are securely transferred to the Secure Research Computing Platform Service (SRCPS) for archiving. Access to the data is via the CSD3 service and to access the imaging data users should apply for an account. This can be linked with their WBIC protocol number via the CenCom project database. 

The CSD3 imaging nodes are hosted in the West Cambridge Data Centre. The service is the successor to the High Performance Hub for Clinical Informatics (HPHI) through which data was previously accessed. It is managed by the University High Performance Computing Group, which collaborates with the WBIC with respect to imaging-specific data accesses.

For information about instructions for imaging data access, and information about the imaging specfic software installed, University of Cambridge users should click the links in the menu to the left (you will be prompted to login using your Raven details).

Support and Help

Please contact in the first instance for support and help in using the CSD3 platform.